Friday, March 8, 2013

Chapter 5 Notes

Summary- We start off when Lennie is alone in the barn, sitting in the hay and stroking the dead body of his puppy. He makes up a story to tell George that he found it dead. Curley's wife comes into the barn and starts talking to Lennie, Lennie knows that he's not supposed to be talking to her but continues to anyways. She lets him touch her hair and he got excited and grabbed on, he panicked so he grabbed her roughly, breaking her neck. He tries to bury Curley’s wife in the hay. Taking the puppy’s body with him, he goes the meeting place in the clearing in the woods. Candy comes looking for Lennie and finds the body. George only worries about himself at this point and tells Candy to tell the others, a mob is sent out to go kill Lennie

Prediction- I think that they're going to find Lennie in the next chapter and kill him, I'm getting really tired of George.

Question- If Lennie knew he wasn't supposed to be talking to Curley's wife...why did he do it anyways?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Portrait of Rasism

Chapter 4 in Of Mice and Men, paints a very realistic portrait of racism in the 1930s. Discuss at least two ways in which racism is explored in this chapter. Include quotes and your own analysis of key moments in this chapter that clearly demonstrate the racism that existed in the American 1930s. What do readers understand about racism as a result of reading this chapter?

Check out this article titled, "Racial Segregation in the American South: Jim Crow Laws" to gain a better understanding of the timeline of racial segregation in America.


In Chapter 4 in Of Mice and Men, we know more about Crooks and his role on the ranch. Page 68 states that Crooks said " 'Cause I'm black. They play cards in there, but I can't play because I'm black. They say I stink. Well, I tell you, all of you stink to me." It's really depressing that Crooks is judged on his skin tone, so he feels like he's force to act that same way back, its a shame that they can't just be friends. The fact that he has to be separated into his own room, and hate them as much as they hate him, is really bad. 

This chapter introduces readers to the segragation & racism in the 1930's. How African Americans weren't treated fairly .Crooks is discriminated in this chapter because he can't be in the bunkhouse as allo the other workers on the ranch. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Chapter 4 Notes

Question: Does Curley's wife have any relevancy to the story like at all? Is she just someone there so that way there could be a female in the story or what? 

Prediction: Maybe Crooks will get involved more with everything going around in the ranch, I hope to be hearing more about him.

Reflect: Its very cruel how Crooks is segregated from everyone else on the ranch just because he is African American, he seems like a very down to earth person, but the fact that no one will give him a chance seems painful. They judge him on his skin color, not whats on the inside. 

Chapter 3 Notes

Question: Why did Lennie feel that it was ok to just go and grab that poor girl's dress like that? Yes, I know that he's slow but shouldn't he at least have some common sense to not touch or take what's not his. 

Prediction: I think further on in the story, Lennie's past will catch up with him & his little "rape" story will be told to Curley

Reflect: The fact that the girl would say that Lennie raped her just astonishes me. I get so annoyed with people who judge others just because of the fact that there is something different about them. Why would she lie when all she had to do was tell Lennie to stop, or to back off. That would've been more humain then to go and say that she had been raped by him.  

Chapter 2 Notes

I think that Lennie will start to annoy Curley's wife. Since Curley is short tempered, I think Lennie do something wrong one of these days and Curley will just burst & get into a confrontation with Lennie.

Why are their bunks so dirty and un-attended, if I had workers and I wanted to keep them, I would make sure their living conditions were somewhat live-able.

It started off as George and Lennie finally getting to the bunkhouse after a long journey. They met Curley & his wife. They all got aquainted and comfy with one another. Lennie seemed to be intrigued by Curley's wife.